A Data-Driven Guide to Futureproof Strategies for SEO Anchor Text


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Numerous companies have been written about anchor text in SEO, in terms of – optimized, not optimized,branded or non-branded & so on!

Moreover, for an eCommerce brand, what does an effective blend of anchor text look like?

What will be going to recognize “natural” or what will get you in “trouble”?

How could you control all these kind of stuff?

This blog will outline all the aspects of SEO Anchor Text – the experts of

web development company in India

have compiled a data-driven guide in which you will get to know completely about SEO anchor text in order to assure that your brand will be working safely in the future.

Anchor Text

  • It refers to visible & clickable texts or words,
  • which are used to link one web page to another.
Types of Anchor Text

Suppose, Esferasoft Solutions published the new blog on any topic, like

How to Improve Website’s Google Ranking

that we wanted to rank on Google for the keyword

“search engine optimization services”.

So here are some of the methods that other websites may choose to link to our website:

  • 1. Exact Match –the anchor text is exactly the keyword phrase as if you are looking for rank on Google.
  • 2. Partial Match – the anchor text contains the keyword phrase as if you are looking for rank on search engine.
  • 3. Branded – the anchor text is the name of the brand.
  • 4. Naked URLs – the anchor text is a ‘naked’ URL such as it will appear in the browser.
  • 5. Generic – it is an unspecific, generic phrase that does not include the targeted keyword like ‘click here’,’this article’, ‘this site’, etc.
  • 6. LSI Keywords – the anchor text is synonym for or closely related to targeted keyword.
    • Author – the ‘company’s name or ‘your name’ would be an anchor.
    • Title Tag- the ‘page title’ is the anchor.
    • Image Links – the ‘alt text’ may count as an anchor text.


How Anchor Text Impacts Search Engine Rankings

Search Engines (like Google, Bing) use anchor texts linking to the page as an indicator of topic of the page such as which keywords it should rank for.

In simpler terms –

Again, next simple way, we can say –

More & more websites that link with anchor containing the phrase “web development company” (exact or partial), more certain search engine like Google will be linked that web page for that query.

How Do Links (Good Bad) Work for SEO?

Are links really playing important role in SEO?

In earlier days of search engines, links were developed in a way to give a website the “vote” of confidence.Although, the web has changed, but links are still the same.

Basically, links are a way for people & bots to travel around online.

Having more & more links packed in the website – make the website, blog page or any other web page as you are working on, more authoritative in search engine eyes: nevertheless, not all links are created equal.

Links are categorized in two ways: 1) Good Links and 2) Bad Links

Good Links

  • They come from the websites that are highly authoritative themselves. Trusted & aged domains such as .gov or .edu are good. However, these links are even harder to build. As long as the website is genuine & relevant, the link is probably going to do productive.
  • They also come in a variety of domains. It means that search engines would like to see that a variety of sources trust your brand or business’s website enough to link to it. The number of referring domains is always a good thing.
  • The best links come from the website in a similar niche. In order to get links from websites that are relevant to your website as you are in the right neighborhood.
  • Make use of variety of anchor texts, which closely imitate natural language.

Bad Link

  • They have artificial anchor texts.
  • They come from spammy or low authority websites.

Therefore, you must aim for the fusion of follow & nofollow regular links. Although, nofollow links do not pass any kind of link, but they are still part of a natural profile link.

Why You Should Care About Anchor Text

Anchor text is text that is hyperlinked when somebody links to the website.

Relying upon the context & link, it could be the simplest mention of your brand or website or invitation to “click here to know more”.

  • Do’s: You can do a big SEO boost by – having high authority links along with highly relative anchor text.
  • Don’ts: On the other hand, if your website’s anchor texts are overly optimized – your could get into trouble.

How to Choose an Anchor Text

Anchor texts can be – keywords focused or branded.

  • It is best to go for branded terms as in naked URLs, generic words, etc.
  • If you do make in use of your keywords, bear in mind, do not forget to include generic words, stop words & natural variants inside the anchor. By doing so, you would not overdo this.
  • Anchor texts must be closely matched to purpose of the web page. The most natural anchor text is text, which accurately describes the page content, such as Page Title, URL, etc.

For instance: the branded (e.g. Test ABC is the brand name) anchor text could be like that –

In addition, it can be extended in generic phrases, such as

  • Clothing from Test ABC
  • Eyewear Test ABC online
  • Click here for online clothing from Test ABC
  • Check out Test ABC

How to Manage Them

  • • One of the easiest types of anchors to score are Branded, Naked URLs & Generic anchor texts.
  • • Using a tool – Majestic, you can check anchor texts ratio. The tool will show you how different your anchor text portfolio is currently.
  • • Exactly matched anchor texts can be done once or twice, but not more than that.

How To Get Healthy Or Good Links For SEO

For your brand, there are so many ways in order to build links – the fundamental keys are that you need to remember about link building:

  • • Search Engines like Google is fishy about changes, generally. Google or any other search engine do not like the things are done at high velocity or gradually. However, regular changes are better.
  • • You need genuine & high-quality websites. Simply, do not let your website hand over to bad neighborhood.
  • • Blend it up. Try to have a diverse range of links & anchor texts as well.

The Safest Link Building Tips –

  • ✔ Content marketing is the only way to gain links. They are usually brand-mentioned. You can also get healthy links from blog post or resource page.
  • ✔ In order to score brand links, directory registrations are effective way to do that.
  • ✔ Registering your brand across all social channels & networking sites can help you out to differentiate your link activity.
  • ✔ Comment marketing, Testimonials & Products’ reviews can also work.

At the top, it is best approach to anchor texts with caution when you first embark with. The powerful & authoritative domain can handle more exact match anchors, whereas, the new domain will have to prove itself. At long lost, be careful with anchors, but don’t avoid keywords entirely.

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