Best LIMS Software | Pathology Medical Lab Reporting System

Picture of Admin

With expanding prerequisites of error-free outcomes in the medical industry, the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) segment is likely to have a huge demand in 2020 and the coming years. Esferasoft being one of the LIMS software and solution providers in India have done in-depth research about the system and gathered the following information in order to develop LIMS software.

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A Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) enables the laboratory owners to automate laboratory work processes, integrate instruments, produce reliable outcomes rapidly, and helps in improving effectiveness by the following information from sequencing that runs over time and across experiments. Based on the recent research and analysis of geographical areas, North America is going to have a lucrative growth in Laboratory Information Management System.

Simple LIMS Software will be supporting the following industries area:

1. LIMS for food and beverage labs

2. LIMS for medical and clinical labs

3. LIMS for environment labs

4. LIMS for chemical labs

5. LIMS for energy labs

Features in Our Pathology Lab Reporting System

Build Package

One can create and build the packages easily in the Package manager. It includes Package name, serial number and list of packages including the amount to be displayed on the right side.

Add Category

Category management makes it easy for the admin to manage and modify existing and new categories.

Create Personalized Group

Based on the lab and diagnosis requirement, super admin can create a personalized group where every activity can be managed separately.

Add New Test

With multiple tests to be performed on a daily basis, the test masters allow admin to add and modify the laboratory test information. One can also search for the existing tests by using the search feature added in the system.

Search Test

This is how the search option looks like. It is a basic search functionality for users to find any test. This search feature can be modified and become an advanced option on the basis of custom requirements.

Add Doctor

Managing and modifying doctors can be simple in this system. It allows you to add the doctor name, code, password, email, any incentive you would like fix, city and address.

Hire Best LIMS Software | Pathology Medical Lab Reporting System

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Add City

The city can be easily updated and added with the help of Add New City and Edit option added in this pathology lab software.

Add Collection Center

The collection center is the one where the new collection sample name can be added anytime. This will be updated in the records at the same time.

Add Collection Agent

The collection agent is the one who collects the reports. If admin wishes to add the new collection agent, then this feature can be used to do the same.

Add New User

To keep full record of the user in the laboratory management information system, this feature is available. It lets admin add the new user by simply adding the Full name, username, password, mobile number, city, their reporting manager, role and address.

Assign Roles within the Team

The Roles Master feature in the LIMS software allows admin to assign the different roles to their team. Be it technician, manager, collection agent and user etc, everything can be managed with the help of this functionality.

Add/Edit Patient

The new and existing patients data can be modified and updated with the help of this feature. It allows admin to add the patient name, age, gender, mobile number, email, assigned doctor, collection agent, and group, etc.

All Patient List

With the help of this feature, a full list of patients can be viewed where the patient name, reference number, age, phone number, and the amount can be viewed.

Multiple Report View/Edit/Print Features

There are multiple reports that can be viewed, modified and printed simultaneously with the help of this functionality added in our LIMS software.

Add Remarks in the Report

If there is something that is required to be discussed and prescribed on specific reports, then remarks can be added under this section.

Patient List by Search Feature

The patient list can be fetched and view by selecting a particular period of time. This enables admin to keep a check on patients that are a little older.

Pending Reports Tracking

This feature tracks the pending reports in the system. It lets admin select an option of pending reports only and related information can be viewed.

Tracking & Direct payment of Pending Referred Payments

The pending payments of referred doctors can be managed and tracking with this feature. It displays doctor name, incentive, total patients, mode of incentive, and payment option.

Paid Incentive Tracking (search by city or doctor name)

One of the most important features are Paid Incentive tracking where admin can either search by city name or doctor name.

Search By Collection Center Report

This feature allows admin to search the reports of a particular collection center. Therefore, making it simple for the admin to only view collection center data of their choice.

Search by Collection Agent Report

The collection agent report can be separately searched by setting the preferences to SEARCH BY COLLECTION AGENT.

Search by Doctor Report

If you only like to search reports with specific doctor name then it can be done easily by selecting the doctor name from the dropdown next to Doctor name,

Company Settings

The company settings allow super admin to update the information including company name, address, doctor name, SMS text, email, website, and header/footer settings.

Customized Header-Footer Option

One can add the customized header and footer in the reports based on their preferences. It can be a regular text or any image.

Password Change Option

One can change the password anytime with this password change option available in the system. Changing a password periodically is highly recommended in terms of data security and safety.

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John Doe

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