
Top 10 Python Frameworks For Web Application Development 2021


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Python, being the best framework to develop web applications has become one of the top preferences of businesses while checking out the latest technologies for web application development. To make their work simpler, we have made a refined list of top python frameworks for web development. Here you go:-

1) Django

Django is an open-source high-level python framework that offers clear development. Being an open-source web application framework, it lets programmers focus more on app development. A few of the key features of Django, such as authentication mechanism, URL routing, template engine, and database schema migration, implements Object Relational Mapper (ORM) for mapping its objects to database tables.

  1. Ridiculously fast
  2. Reassuringly secure
  3. Exceedingly scalable

2) Pyramid

Pyramid is another lightweight and open-source python framework which makes development easy. Its main focus is to avoid complexity while writing applications and providing a pragmatic interface to its users. Some of its top features are as follows:

  1. Extensible configuration
  2. All-embracing templating and asset specifications
  3. Flexible authentication and authorization
  4. Testing, support, and comprehensive data documentation

3) TurboGears

Turbogear is a full-stack web application development that consists of Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) components such as SQLAlchemy, Repoze, and WebOb, etc. It is designed in MVC architecture, which is similar to Struts and Ruby on Rails for rapid web application development. Have a look at its amazing features:

  1. Starts as a microframework and scales up to a full-stack solution
  2. Code that is as natural as writing a function
  3. A powerful and flexible Object Relational Mapper (ORM) with real multi-database support
  4. Support for multiple data-exchange formats

4) Web2Py

Web2py is a free open source, full-stack python development framework for scalable and rapid development of secure and fast web applications. Have a look at its features:

  1. Cross-Platform Framework
  2. No requirements for installation and configuration
  3. Readability of multiple protocols

Data security that prevents such vulnerabilities as cross-site scripting, injection flaws, and malicious file execution

5)  Flask

Flask is a python based micro-framework that is available under the BSD license. It has been considered as micro-framework, as it does not need any specific tools and libraries. Read on to find its features:

  1. A development server and debugger (sanity-friendly)
  2. Unicode support (Latin language-friendly)
  3. WSGI compliance (uWsgi-friendly)
  4. A unit-test client (code with quality)

6) CherryPy

Cherrypy is an open-source web application development framework written in a python programming language.  With this minimalist web application framework, it is easy for developers to build applications in less time. Check out its features below:

  1. Powerful configuration and flexible plugin system.
  2. Easily run on multiple HTTP servers at once.
  3. Built-in tools for caching, encoding, sessions, authentication, static content, and many more.

7) CubicWeb

Cubicweb is yet another open-source python framework that allows developers to build effective web applications with the help of components called as cubes. Following are the features of CubicWeb:

  1. Good security workflow.
  2. Supports for Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Web Ontology Language (OWL).
  3. Relational Query Language (RQL) to simplify the queries related to data.

8) Tornado

Tornado is a python web application development framework and asynchronous framework library. It utilizes non-blocking framework I/O, which is efficient enough to scale up thousands of connections simultaneously. Below are the reasons why one should pick this python framework:

  1. Non-blocking HTTP client.
  2. It has a high-quality performance.
  3. It allows us to implement third-party authentication and authorization schemes i.e (Google, Facebook, Twitter).

9) Grok

Grok is yet another open-source web application framework based on Zope Tool Kit (ZTK) technology. It uses the Component Architecture and builds on Zope concepts like content objects (models), views, and adapters.  It was first initiated in 2006 by Zope programmers, to ease the work of developers by using the Convention over Configuration concept. Following are its features:

  1. Use building blocks to develop custom applications
  2. Uses agile programming paradigm

10) Bluebream

BlueBream is an open-source web application server, framework, and library, created by the Zope community and formerly known as Zope 3. It is best suited for medium to large projects split into many interchangeable and reusable components.

Above mentioned python frameworks are the top and most recommended platforms to develop web applications in a fast and secure way. Moreover, all these python web app frameworks are widely used for full-stack and non-full stack development. Owing to the huge rise in technology, such frameworks are in huge demand by businesses. Additionally, it has become easy for developers to provide fast and reliable web applications to their clients.

To encapsulate, it is concluded that every framework has its own advantages and disadvantages. It totally depends upon the programmers to pick the right solution which is based on client needs.

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